What I do



Your Space

Make your everyday life easier.

Rethink Storage :

  • Organize

  • Declutter

  • Make the most of your storage space

  • Add storage


Moving is overwhelming. You're going back to work tomorrow, and just when you thought the hardest part was over, you realize the moving-in part could last for months (too many windows, not enough electrical outlets, New York size bedrooms, and those radiators, urg...)

But it doesn't have to. Tell me how you pictured it and let me do the thinking, the measuring, the solution finding.

Relocating? New York has tons of mysteries and surprises in store for you. You don't have to handle them all by yourself.


Help You Move In


Make room for (more) kids

Make it easier for kids to reach their toys and put them away.

Create more play space.

Rethink children’s rooms as they grow up and have new activities.

Create a space that can evolve with them.

Make room for a new sibling.

Create a nursery (even if you don't think you have the space for it)


Create a home office, a desk, a workstation, a workspace... so that you can have dinner on your dining table...


Create a Home Office


Help You Downsize

When you decide to move after the kids have left for college, because the nest feels less empty when it's smaller.

When that new place doesn't have room for all your tchotchkes and you're fine with that.

When you've overestimated the size of New York apartments.


Rethink the lighting in your rooms for more comfort and a nicer atmosphere.

Bring out the things you want to see.

Find a place for the ones you don't (cables, purchases to return, stacks of to-dos...)

Add/change curtains, rugs, plants... Update, upgrade, modernize, redecorate.


Create a more inspiring environment